(There's Got To Be) More To Life

Stacie Orrico

(There's Got To Be) More To Life (Versión Original)

Yeah, yeah, ooh

I've got it all, but I feel so deprived
I go up, I come down, and I'm emptier inside
Tell me what is this thing that I feel like I'm missing
And why can't I let it go

There's gotta be more to life
Than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me
Cause the more that I'm
Tripping out thinking there must be more to life
Well it's life, but I'm sure... there's gotta be more
(Than wanting more)

I've got the time and I'm wasting it slowly
Here in this moment I'm half way out the door
Onto the next thing, I'm searching for something that's missing


Than waiting on something other than this
Why am I feeling like there's something I missed

Chorus x2

There's gotta be more&
More to life, more to life&
There's gotta be more to life


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Realización DynamicNet 2007