

Cathedral (Versión Original)

I came from the valley
And you came from the sea
You smell like the sand

How far up the river
Would you go, would you go
To meet me again ?

And I built the cathedral
With the shelves that you held
In the hole in a tree

And I love the words you said
When I told you
What the ravens sings in my dreams

You pushed on my heart
Every night and every day
To keep me alive

And you kiss my mouth
And I learn to walk
And I learn to try

Can you hear the horses ?
It means the seasons change
It means the seasons change

When the rivers over flows
I run to the bridges
I run to the bridges

And for now don't be afraid
If the sun never rise
If the sun never rise

There's a time to let it grow
There's a time to let it slow
And a time to let it go


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Realización DynamicNet 2007